Friday, September 24, 2004


WELL .... after some thinking and chatting with an old friend last night.... I'm curious!
after reviewing my past experiences why am I only good enough for people when they are drunk? It has always been like that my whole entire life! I'm cool as a friend when you're sober but then after someone is tipsy I am good enough to be more than a friend! Well this is really bothering me! and the few ppl that have liked me drunk or sober have just dropped off the face of the earth ( won't call me and I never see them again) WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME??? I know I fat but I'm not the most UGLY person on earth! WHAT IS IT? WHAT IS SOOOOOOOO TERRIBLY WRONG WITH ME THAT NO ONE LIKES ME? I'VE ALWAYS BEEN TOLD I WON'T GET MARRIED......WHY????? I HATE BEING ALONE! THAT IS MY BIGGEST FEAR! and being in Virginia and living by myself has made me realize that I really don't want to be alone for the rest of my life! but it seems that I will! Oh dear!


At 11:58 PM, Blogger pink_blackbutterfly said...

thanks for the advice! it's very helpful!


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