Wednesday, October 06, 2004


WELL!!!!! I went to reading right! actually is was! wow what a suprise. We got there and our teacher told us we were having an picnic. hummm. on the coldest day yet. we thought she had really flipped her lid! But it was for the whole school! Then, when we did go back to class she told us stories about the 60's w/ war protests, we talked about Kerry&Bush, her neighborhood flooding, and all kinds of stuff! I found out my friend that lives on 1st street is going to run for city council. I would vote for her if I could.

I cleaned Pasticho Margarita's bowl was very dirty. I took my editing mid sweat. I thought it was going to be really bad like his essay questions, but it was multiply choice. Now I am at home I've cooked, washed dishes, and tidied around the house. Now I am working on my mid term project for DEAT. (yes the devil's throat). I think i might make another super cool picture to go on here! Well I'm sure I will post later!


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