Saturday, September 25, 2004


well....... I'm still lonely! I should be sleeping b/c I have the great BRIGHT LEAF HOE DOWN to go to in the morning! wow I can't wait! I just know it's going to be disappointing! but oh well it's something different besides going to wal- mart! I never thought Rock Hill was such a great place until I moved here! Living by yourself super- D -duper sucks ass! I REALLY HATE BEING ALONE! and as I have stated before it scares me! This apartment is way tooooo quiet! it's quite depressing! I used to think living on your own would be awesome but as I have found out apparently not! Yeah it's cool b/c you can do what ever you want, the cool parties we have but it still doesn't mean it doesn't have it's down falls! I'm sooooooooooooooooooooooooo lonely! I want to have someone to hold.....this apartment is so empty and cold! YEAH I HAVE TWO GREAT FRIENDS THAT LIVE NEXT DOOR! but i'm still lonely when I come home to my cold, quiet, lonely apartment to go to sleep in my lonely empty bed...... just to wake up so I can do it all over again! I really want someone to hold and cuddle with. oh dear! It looks as if I'm going to have deal with this loneliness some how!


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