Tuesday, November 09, 2004

This weekend was awesome!!!! STORY OF THE YEAR KICKED ASS!!!!
-well I have become more used to myself... sounds odd, But I'm quite comfortable with me.
after some new findings this weekend...I'm not sure just lately I've been happy with me!
-I got a new tattoo, and a new hair doo!!!! hehe! Pics later!
-I'm quite happy....really great... despite many stressors

~But i must say this
---It's like being has HAPPY as you could possibly be and being in HELL.
----It's like being the SADDEST you could possibly be and being in HEAVEN.
---It's like being so close to something you can touch it, but knowing you CAN'T have it.
----It's like knowing you CAN have something, but there is NO way you can reach it.
~I'm not really sad right know...but that's what I feel! Sounds very emo to me!


At 2:38 PM, Blogger Stezie said...

missed u! (giggles)...Where were you? What took you so long?

At 8:46 AM, Blogger pink_blackbutterfly said...

I've been kinda busy with school! But haha I'm slow I saved one post as a draft for like a week, and I thought I posted it! lol! I'm back now!


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