I can't believe myself. I retract previous things I posted
That was very mean of me to say! I still like those things about myself, but I shouldn't put other people down.
Corey White made me cry today....I deserved it though. He didn't do it on purpose...but it happened. I'm a horrible person...the only thing that pointed out the things that I like about myself was me making fun of someone else. I tried to share the laughter w/ Corey but he made me feel bad. I shouldn't make fun of other people....especially when I don't know them. I didn't realize how bad I did do it until.....Corey said...."Beauty is in the eye of the beholder". Boy did I feel like shit. I was expecting him to say she wasn't pretty, but all he said was "beauty is in the eye of the beholder". WOW I'm shitty person! I can't believe it. I can't believe how horrible I feel. I'm a CHANGED PERSON. SERIOUSLY. I called my friend, who loves to make fun of people...I thought in the back of my mind she would make me feel better...maybe justify what I said....but come to find out she just realized today how bad she made fun of ppl and how wrong it was. She feels horrible too. So needless to say that made me feel even more horrible, but reiterated the fact that it was wrong...And I need to change. umm now I just feel horrible... I don't know what too do????? I don't know how to fix this feeling....I feel that there is no way to fix this injustice. And me out of all people have no room to talk about people! I'm changed! I promise.
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