Saturday, October 16, 2004 ummm I'll fill out one of these

I got this from someone else's blog!

~Wallet - tan with brown flowers on it, it say xoxo
~Hairbrush - pink with a sliver end
~Toothbrush - orange and white with little orange massagers for your gums
~ Jewelry worn daily -none
~Pillow cover[s] - hot pink to match the hot pink and black zebra print in my room
~ Blanket - black comforter, a leopard print comforter, and a quilt made my my great grandmother
~ Coffee cup - has strawberries on it to match my plates
~Sunglasses - pink and square (actually i stole them from jenni who stole them from kellie)
~ Underwear - bikini
~ Favorite shirt - that would have to be my yellow sugarcult shirt
~Cologne/Perfume - Pink from Victoria Secret / Ralph Lauren
~ Tattoos -1 pink/black and blue butter fly

~Piercings - 1 in my right ear, 2 in my left
~What you are wearing now -white bruster's shirt, pink pj like pants, black socks w/ monkeys
~In head - thoughts and questions; ponderings
~Wishing - things that will most likely never happen
~After this - going to bed/ or blog
~Fetishes - shoes....i guess
~If you could get away with it and murder anyone, who and for what reason? It would be Josh Nessmiller b/c he WAS my best friend, but umm now he doesn't know who I am (to make a very long story short) or Stephanie P (she's nasty, slutty,bitch that uses people )
~Person you wish you could see right now - ummmm???? I'll keep that one to myself (sorry)
~Is next to you - remote
~Something you're looking forward to in the upcoming month - halloween.. starting my new job
~The last thing you ate - oreos with milk
~ Something that you are deathly afraid of - BEING ALONE (which I think I will :( ), Spiders, and bugs
~Do you like candles? Yes
~ Do you like incense? sometimes
~ Do you like the taste of blood? totally NOT
~Do you believe in love? Yes
~Do you believe in soul mates? Yes (& i don't have one)
~Do you believe in love at first sight? ummm no not really
~Do you believe in Heaven? Yes
~ Do you believe in God - Yes
~ If you could have any animal for a pet, what would it be - a doggie (i'm not sure what kind)
~ What is the latest you've ever stayed up - # days
~Can you eat with chopsticks? - kinda
~ What's your favorite coin ? i don't know
~ What are some of your favorite candies - snickers, blow pops
~ What's something that you wish people would understand - why i do some of the things i do (like why I'm really quiet and down sometimes)
~ What's something you wish you could understand better - guys/ or why girls are so stupid
~Who is someone that you really wish was still around - ummm good question....I'll have to get back to this one....sometimes at my lowest moments (josh n.) grrrrrrr but that isn't a good answer....b/c i miss him out of insanity!


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