Monday, May 30, 2005


I HATE that I only use the blog when i'm sad.... but my other journal is off limits to emo.. so

man... i can't sleep.
I'm not good at anything... SERIOUSLY. I'm only good at complaining, crying, being said, laughing at things that aren't funny, sleeping and waking brent up for work (& sometimes I'm can't even accomplish that).

I think that's why i try to sleep so much. B/c when I'm sleep I'm unware of the things I suck at, the things that bother, I'm not reminded of things... while I'm asleep... every thing is great!

I'm sooooo boring... gah. I don't really understand why anyone would want me around!

I realized today how bad i feel for messing up brents hair. He got it cut today and man oh man can you tell I can't dye hair. I feel sooooo bad. He says he doesn't care... but...

I feel soooo unhelpful, useless, unneeded,....I feel like I'm a waste.

I couln't even keep on my diet. I was doing good! But today I got a headache & i felt bad. I though maybe it had to do with my sugar levels... so i thought candy would help.
FUCK.... ME!!!!!!

I'm doomed to become fatter...obese and useless......

why am i even around????????????

Brent and cory both said they missed me dearly..... WHY??????????
I'm just not seeing it!

well at least getting this out made me feel a little better...


At 7:11 AM, Blogger Squish said...

*fucks you*
you asked

the beginning line of this post kinda frightened me too
I was like...
"tum tee tum, let's check out Chancie's blog for today...ZOMGWTF!1!111!11!!1!!1!!1! >_<"
or something to that effect

At 9:02 PM, Blogger pink_blackbutterfly said...

LOL!!! I was talking about your back silly!

I was tired of only commenting negative posts... and such! lol

plus you were injured!


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