Tuesday, May 30, 2006

confused & torn

I'm torn between who I am, who I want to be, & someone completely different.

I don't know what to do.

there's a guareented job, with more money, and 40hrs
but i want to leave
i'm just know getting my social life back in place
but i want to leave
now i want to get know you more
but i'm already leaving

but then again.... none of those seem right
but i don't want to live here

but I DON'T know why I want to live in charlotte

and now all my plans & backplans are failing

back to the semi orginal?


seems like lately most of my decisions have be bad ones
so what makes leaving the right one
or what makes charlotte the right one
what makes not going to school the right one

i think i'd give anything to go back to school
i think i'll appreciate it more if i wait
but everyone says i won't go back



then again i don't know what i want to be. i have an idea & means to make it work & i think i have the drive... but then again it's kinda of something not expected of me... but I it would help... but then i can't believe i came up with this idea.
i starve to be good at something.
i'd kill to be great.... if i tried i know i could
but what?

i need a push in some direction
a little guidence

maybe a new idea

and for some reason.....
i really feel the need to get to know you better

why now?

it made me smile
i haven't felt like this in well years.... since i was 18 or so.


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