Thursday, February 24, 2005


Taste of chaos
Teeny Boppers
I went to the Taste of Chaos in Norfolk. The bands KICKED ASS. Definitely a great show. EXCEPT OF THE FUCKING TENNY BOPPERS AND THE LITTLE KIDS….. (this includes parents). I drove 4 hours to see this show…. For the little fucking kids that don’t know how to act at a show to ruin my favorite band. There’s little girls talking about people being too close to them …. HELLO YOU’RE AT A SHOW… THAT HAPPENS THERE. Not mention the 2 little girls going OMG those people are sweaty. HUMMMMMMM let me see…. If your standing that close to soooo many people and you’re jumping up and down, moving back and forth, pushing, and screaming at the top of your lungs….. then yeah you might be sweaty.

Show Etiquette
Now I can’t stand going to a show where the people there don’t know how to push and act right in a crowd. I almost got trampled to death b/c of the fucking teeny boppers. There are theses unwritten rules of show etiquette…. That apparently need to written and passed out. Now don’t get me wrong it was a KICK ASS SHOW AND THE BANDS ROCKED…. But the taste of chaos in norfolk turned me off to going to any show that is all ages. This is like the 3rd show this month and could have been better if it was 17 and up. If your parents have to come with you then you shouldn’t come. I’m sure I sound super bitchy…. But theres nothing like driving 4 hours skipping school and paying $32 dollars to stand next to little kids that ruin the show especially when it’s your favorite band (SENSES FAIL).

Little Kids
Now I have to blame most of the little kids on My Chemical Romance and The Used. They appeal to the younger crowd. Which is great for them. Once you go on TRL you’re pretty much ruined. Sure lots of people hear you but the people that watch TRL are so young. The people that come to show and have listen to you for years have a bad time b/c all the little kids saw you on TRL. Now sure I’m happy for the bands to get big and such… but to me a show @ small venue with older kids is sooo much better that a big huge show with teeny boppers. And all the people wearing band shirts of the bands there. THAT’S A NO NO.

Bigger People
Not only did the little kids get on my nerves but sorry but FAT BITCHES got to go. Now sure I’m no little bean pole myself. But if you’re at huge show with the people pushed to the front as far as they can go then no one from the back can get all the way to the front especially bigger girls. Now I’m not saying they shouldn’t come to the show or that they aren’t entitled to have a good time, but what makes them think that if a skinny bean pole can’t squeeze through theses people then they can. Sorry.,,, its just not happening. This one girl at the show got some Major elbowage b/c of this. Her and her other bigger friends trying to push her past me and the huge muscle guys in front of me. Well lets just say she go no where. Not to hurt anyone's feelings b/c trust me I'm not skinny but it's just the way they acted at this show.

Obese Guys
And obese guys don’t need to push people either. I don’t know how to complain about this in a nice way… so SORRY. Some how I ended up right behind this obese guy. Now sure he should come and have a good time… but I was breathing in his fat rolls…. Seriously. NO JOKE I had to leave the crowd b/c I thought I was going to die.. and trust me I can hold my own @ a show.

The Crowd
And I’m all for the people who don’t let people get past them. They keep people from getting in front of them. That’s a legitimate show thing to do, but when they don’t let people out that’s crazy. That’s just more opportunity to get to the front. One less person in front of you. I had to go through the pit to get out of the crowd. But after that experience I decided that the pit is a better place for me or at least I’d rather be there than beside tenny boppers, obese guys or people that can’t hold there own in a crowd.

Crowd Surfing
And one last thing crowd surfing. It’s a show thing to do, but you don’t launch people in the air. You don’t throw crowd surfers three people or so in front of you. And if you weigh like 200 lbs and you crowd surf it’s not very nice to the people holding you up. So my friends were taking your shoes. If any one went to the Norfolk show and lost your shoe while crowd surfing it was probably one of my friends that took it. They got a lot of people taking shoes.

Well I know this a lot to read and all but I was really sad to go to this show and it turned out like this.


I also have a lot to say about My Chemical Romance and the way the treat their fans. THE LEAD SINGER IS AN ASS! The whole show he kept calling them fuckers. I do give them credit for throwing out bottles of water. For this to be an all ages show the things they were saying weren't for all ages. Like I said before they are liked by the younger crowd. They said things about jail, whores, guns ect. it was crazy. You should have seen all the 13 year old girls run to the stage for them. They were like roaches running for food. The best part of their show was when he started singing a christmas song and he passed out presents to the crowd telling them to rip them open and then he laughed and said there was nothing in them. LOL LOL LOL :) HAHAHAHA POOR LITTLE TEENY BOPPERS GOT THEIR FEELING HURT BY THE BIG BAD BAND. lol it was hilarious.

there is more to come later i think this is enough for now

Sunday, February 20, 2005


which means I'm going to see:
Kill Switch Engage
Senses Fail (oh i love them... they are sooooo awesome)
The Used
My Chemical Romance (i don't really like them but all my friends do.. i think they suck, although many people like them)

Friday, February 18, 2005


life = suckage


-But no one is hiring... oh well

going to donate plasma.... if i can find the freaking place

hopefull.... a happy blog is soon to come

Saturday, February 12, 2005

awww blogger makes me sad

I know html codes and stuff. I know how this internet stuff works.... but I have links in my template.... but they don't show up in my blog. GOSH!


I would love to have links to the blogs I read.

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

life.....ever get sick of it? I DO!

well... i'm soooooo confused right now....horribly confused.

I don't know what to do.

I hate this... sometimes i wish i had no heart... that i couldn't care for people.

I seem to have come apon some feelings for someone... I want to tell them I really do.... but that could change a bad way or in a good way.

I don't want to ruin our friendship or make things awkward. If I say something it could make things odd around them (and since this is the person i see the most... that wouldn't be too good)

hell... I seem to always develop feelings for people who find no interest in me.

I guess I'll do like always... go about my business as if I had never had these feelings (all they do is cause me problems)

well... who knows.... I'm going to quit thinking about this now and try to sleep.

Saturday, February 05, 2005

things are pretty ok..... better

well things are better.... i just get discouraged to easily.

Went to a super rocking show last night
I went see Sugarcult and Hawthorne Heights
Hopesfall and The early November were there too

I got a speeding ticket on the way home.... which super sucked! 85 in 65...
$125 ticket that $125 i don't have.

I really have to donate plasma now.... but I'm in luck I found a place 10 mins from where I live yay :)

Friday, February 04, 2005

well...maybe not

i think I am staying.... i just need to try harder. I need to keep my chin up and keep my trying my hardest. I can do anything I want if I try hard enough!

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

giving up..... and moving home

I'm going to move back in with my parents. I guess everyone was right.... i can't do this.

I did make the deans list.... but I just don't have the brain and the creativity for this.
Making things in 3d on the computer is terribly complicated, confusing, hard, plus i just don't understand.
I can make things... i cam use the tools....
it's just that I don't have the passion for this the heart. My brain hurts... i just don't comprehend how and why I should do the things to make it look right.

I think it's b/c I'm a girl.... I HATE to say that.... but it's true.
I'm like the only girl. Well there is one other one... and an older lady!

oh well
who cares..........
I just guess I'll have to admit that everyone who didn't believe me were right....

I'll just sleep all day... my mom will be happy to have me there. I'll hiberate for the rest of my life.

just took this cool quiz

my results ( i'll post it later)

Smart, but act wild
a cutie
out going
very fun to be around
sporty (i don't know about that)
peaceful (i try)

these always make me laugh

No smoking around pink_blackbutterfly. Thankyou for your co-operation.


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You are Cool!
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Presents to
Chancie Shelley

An Honorary
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Quiz Addiction

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Comment Spam


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01 Feb 2005

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